Sunday, 22 December 2013

Should I say Learning RubyOnRails ?

Ruby on Rails is currently the hottest technology , or I must better say FrameWork.
It would have  grown more faster,had not the old techno-grandpa's fuming over RUBY as language.
Why because it's an interpreter?
Oh not again!! Wont be getting into mudfight of compiled vs interpreted(Yeah nowadays even the interpreted languages behind the scenes compile).
Well it's because these grandpa's have been habituated over java and are phobic to switch over the new technology , with a belief of too much water  has passed under the bridge.
But who cares, Programmers lie in 3 layers
Core(core developers - supercomputers,linux kernel,time-bound critical applications)
Middle(bulk development,producing application in millions)
Top(UI/UX developers)
No one challenges the base. For when it's challenged then it's called an era of Revolution
The storm challenges the rooftop first.
So its always these java,scala and UI guys who are challenged for a change.
And yes adapting to this change is what the law of sustainability in Programming.
So it's a constant fight amongst the programming languages to get the top share.
So what's our role in this fight. To give every LANGUAGE it's honour of stay.
What's wrong in electing someone who has good plans for the country but lacks experience?

Well so if you are still reading further then you must be surely bold to take a leap, and young to enjoy the thrill.

Well, honestly Ruby On Rails doesn't really demand you to learn Ruby to get started.
It has kept it's word of being a framework assisting you in every possible way.
But learning Ruby on Rails, without learning Ruby, is like building a bridge without studying the Blueprints.
Although you will build the bridge, by replicating the BluePrint.
But you will never be able to diagnose , when the bridge starts developing cracks.(I am sure Ruby on Rails(ROR) is smart enough to develop even miniscule of any  cracks.)

So take a leap and go for the hunt........

The hunting party awaits you!!!!!!(ROR)  Get Started